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Full Moon in Libra Ritual for Release Items Needed: 1. White candle 2. Piece of paper and pen 3. Small fireproof bowl or cauldron 4. Stick of Palo Santo 5. Clear quartz crystal Preparation: Begin by setting up your space in a quiet and comfortable area where you won't be disturbed. Light the white candle to symbolize purity and clarity. Light the Palo Santo to cleanse and enhance the atmosphere. Hold the clear quartz crystal in your right hand to amplify your intentions. Reflection: Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. Reflect on what you wish to release or let go of during this full moon in Libra. Write down these thoughts and feelings on the piece of paper, being as specific as possible. Invocation: Close your eyes and visualize the gentle energy of the Libra full moon bathing you in its soft light. Call upon the energy of balance and harmony to guide you in releasing what no longer serves your highest good. Speak aloud or silently affirm your intention to release these burdens. Burning Ceremony: Safely light the piece of paper with the candle flame and place it in the fireproof bowl or cauldron. As the paper burns, visualize the negative energy being transformed into light and released into the universe. Feel a sense of relief and liberation wash over you. Closing: Once the paper has turned to ash, extinguish the flame and allow the bowl to cool. Thank the moon, the elements, and any deities or spirits you invoked for their assistance in this release process. Express gratitude for the lessons learned and the space created for new blessings to enter your life. Grounding: Take a moment to ground yourself by placing your hands on the earth or holding the clear quartz crystal again. Feel the stability and support of the earth beneath you as you integrate the energy of your release spell. Closing: Blow out the candle, signaling the end of the ritual. Carry the intention of release with you as you move forward, knowing that you have cleared space for positive transformation and growth. Remember to always practice fire safety and mindfulness when performing any kind of spell or ritual. Trust in the power of your intentions and the supportive energy of the full moon in Libra to guide you on your journey of release and renewal.

*******Moon Log -Entry #9******* In the embrace of the forest's moonlit glow, I wrestle with the yearning of an earthly lover's heart. As a moon elf bound to the celestial realm, duty and destiny weigh heavily upon me, yet the mortal's call echoes deep within my soul. The choice to forsake my heritage for fleeting passion is daunting, yet their love tugs at my heartstrings with an irresistible force. The juxtaposition of duty and desire ignites a tempest within me, stirring fear and exhilaration in equal measure. To love is to embrace vulnerability, to surrender to the whims of fate. In the arms of my earthly lover, I sense a kindred spirit, a mirror to my own soul's complexity. As the night envelops the forest in its embrace, I find myself torn between the comfort of the familiar and the allure of the unknown. Seeking guidance from the whispers of the wind, I ponder the path ahead, knowing that whatever choice I make will shape the tapestry of my fate. *******End Transmission*******

*******Moon Log - Entry #8******* The silver glow of the moon bathes my home in its ethereal light, casting shadows that dance like spirits in the night. As I sit by the window of my humble abode, nestled amidst the ancient trees of the lunar forest, I find solace in the tranquility of this celestial realm. Today, as I ventured into the heart of the forest, I was greeted by the soft whispers of the nocturnal creatures that call this place home. Their melodies, woven into the very fabric of the night, filled me with a sense of wonder and belonging. In the midst of my wanderings, I stumbled upon a patch of moonflowers, their petals shimmering with a delicate luminescence. I couldn't help but be captivated by their beauty, each bloom a testament to the magic that courses through the veins of this moon. As I returned to my dwelling, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that enveloped me. Living on this moon, surrounded by its enchanting landscapes and mystical creatures, is a privilege I will never take for granted. As the silver light of the moon filters through the canopy above, I am reminded once again of the deep connection I share with this celestial realm. Tomorrow is a new day, filled with endless possibilities and adventures waiting to unfold. But for now, I will bask in the gentle glow of the moon and cherish the serenity of this moment. *******End Transmission*******

Meet me in the stacks and I’ll let you tutor me

*******Moon Log -Entry #7******* As the weekend approaches on Nereid, anticipation fills the air like a sweet perfume, promising adventure and camaraderie. My heart swells with excitement as I prepare to embark on a journey with my dearest companions, the enchanting ladies of the House of Moondance. Our plans are woven with threads of laughter and merriment, as we venture into the depths of the moonlit forest for a night of revelry beneath the stars. With baskets laden with ambrosial delicacies and flasks filled with nectar from the celestial vines, we shall feast and dance until the break of dawn. In the company of my sisters-in-spirit, I feel the burdens of the world slip away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and sisterhood. Together, we shall weave tales of magic and mischief, creating memories to cherish for eternity. As the weekend unfolds, may the bonds of friendship grow ever stronger, like the roots of the ancient trees that anchor us to this celestial realm. *******End Transmission*******

Before dawn, I seek solace in the cemetery's silence. Among the mist and shadows, I walk softly, communing with the spirits of the departed. As light breaks, I depart, carrying their quiet strength within me.

March 16

I wanted to share some of my skincare favs, so I thought I’d start with TWENTYNINE PALMS’ Mesquite Springs Hydrating Serum! 🌵✨ Formulated with Hyaluronic Acid, antioxidant-rich Prickly Pear extract, and Inulin, a prebiotic derived from Chicory Root, this serum deeply hydrates and nourishes your skin. 💧🌸 Certified vegan and cruelty-free, it's suitable for most skin types, leaving your skin soft, supple, and glowing. Plus it smells INCREDIBLE ✨ Say hello to healthy, hydrated skin! #MesquiteSprings #HydratingSerum #SkincareEssentials 🌿🌟

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